Biography of Founders

One of the most popular DJ, MC, program host and actors in Hong Kong

Started as a DJ for Commercial Radio Hong Kong when he was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Communications.  He always possesses a sense of humor and talented with great creativity throughout his career

With his endless creative ideas, Sammy oversees the creative department at TTT.  His well-known high standard and integrated approach helps to bring always surprising creative business solutions to clients

Sammy Leung

Creative Director / Founder

Vincent studied at University of  British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and received his Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration majoring in marketing

After his graduation, he started his marketing career at Hutchison Whampoa Limited and later on at American Express Hong Kong.  He gained valuable experience on running different scales of advertising and promotion campaigns with main focus on credit card acquisition and usage business

At TTT, Vincent leads the client servicing, PR and also the event production team. Always dependable and devoted towards his partners and clients.  He is also the Senior Manager, Business Development of his family business – Artland Printing Company Limited for more than 16 years

Vincent Choy

Executive Director / Founder